
By LoveroftheLight


Day 14 DDW's October Challenge: Steam

Not quite the shot I was hoping for, this turned out rather harder than the title might suggest. Surely, with steam coming out of various places, it should be easy to catch?

Unfortunately, it would seem it is not. I had intended to photograph and blip the steam that is chucked out of the front of my house by the boiler in the kitchen. The shots I got made a nice frame, but the steam is barely visible. And then, although the boiler was still pumping out heat, the steam stopped! So much for that idea.

So I fell back onto the more obvious kettle, though again this didn't prove as co-operative as I'd have liked - it cuts out, and the steam near vanishes, way before I'm ready for it to. Ah well, the best of the bunch. Not perfect, but definitely steam.

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