
By LynnH

Right or Left

Spent the day working on business plans/cash flows and lots of admin at home. I make myself do an hour and then I can have 5 mins on another website!

so today I ordered a skirt off the M&S on that they didn't have yesterday, uploaded yesterdays photo to blip and had a quick look at other peoples photos, had a idea for a Christmas gift so googled it, look up the prices of pianos - more on that later this week, and then updated the shop twitter and facebook ending with a look at Moss's facebook.

One of his springer friends who live near us was having a rant about people walking their dogs on main roads without leads on.....I knew exactly who she meant. It is something that really bugs me too - there is nothing clever about it. Plus the people that walk their dogs at the full length of an extendable lead. We had a Labrador on top of us before his owner got round the corner.

Anyway I got fed up with the paperwork so took the boys and the camera out in the late afternoon sun for a spot of road safety training!
It was so funny - how does a dog know left from right? plus I think they were on a "if I don't look at him, he's not there"

If you want to see more of the training its on Moss's face book

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