Global Attitude

By GlobalAttitude

Monday Tedium

Nominativ, Genitiv, Dativ, Akkusativ .....

I came home from a long day at work and was confronted by my fifth-grader with a lengthy text that began:

"Die Abbildung zeigt den Lauf der Erde um die Sonne. Bei ihrer Reise um die Sonne dreht sich die Erde um sich selbst, sodass die einzelnen Teile der Erde zu verschiedenen Zeiten der Sonne gegenüberstehen, das bewirkt den Wechsel der Tageszeiten....."

The task: identify the case and gender of all the nouns. And this excerpt with 13 nouns was only the first two sentences of the passage! After this assignment was completed, there was still Maths and English homework to tackle.

Fun and joy on a Monday. I'm going to need more wine this week!

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