
Babysat Pj last night, she was pretty good.

Viki came home, slightly inebriated, with Anna who'd forgotten her keys (apparently she often losing things, including herself). The kids got up around 6am.

I got up about 6:30am and made everyone breakfast.

There really did not seem like anything more sensible than having a wee gin once everyone was happy. So, we all had a wee drink together, Viki / Anna were probably still lightly sozzled anyway, it was only really I that was being a total jake.

And how civilised it was too.

Spent the morning chatting, playing records having a laugh. Viki, Anna & Peej left around 10am I think. So, the kids and I battled each other at Danish Bastard with snacks included obviously, then watched Drop Dead Fred, then I made tea, then we watched Beetlejuice, then stories, then bed.

Perfect Sunday.

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