
By Brookeside

Grape thief!

Today I got up with daddy and mummy went to work. Daddy and I read loads of books and played. I found daddy's lip balm and refused to let go if it! Then I went for a wee snooze and when I woke up papa was here and daddy was leaving for work. Papa and I had fun playing then we met granny from work. When we got home we played with my mega blocks building a house for my horse. Gran kept hiding my horse and then peeking out. When gran asked where was the horse hiding I said wall. Then mummy came home and we had some dinner and watched waybuloo and night garden. Today I was talking lots and said mine (a lot) away (every time someone went out room or something was finished), egg (when playing with my squeaky eggs) and ham (when eating my lunch). I also now do a snapping motion with my hands and say snap whenever I see a crocodile in my books or someone says crocodile!

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