Littlemouse Adventures

By LitlemouseLilly


Legs lots of legs.

I have been sewing today well until my temperature spiked and I got bad earache :(

Vets again today but for routine boosters for two cats, both in great health and the vet was particularly impressed with Luna's teeth, she has very good toothy pegs :)

Plague check today:
Mr Mouse better than yesterday but not 100%
Me still not great
Ferdinand improving
Ulysses much improved
Drusilla still sneezing cat snot on us
Caesar there had been a sneeze or three
Luna no signs yet (though the vets reckons by next week she will display symptoms) Jeeves ok
Wooster ok
Kirk ok safely tucked away in his hutch outside
Magic ok safely tucked away with Kirk in the hutch outside

Phew not safe to remove that big red cross yet but definitely moving in the right direction.

I don't think I need to ring my Dad to cancel his trip up, though hoping the weather will be better next weekend we are meant to be going to a country show (glad I didn't pre book the tickets).

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