Life of a bubble maker

By redditchrascal

Just checking

First day back at work and woke up at 5am. Tried to lie there and get back to sleep with no luck so got up and started to look through some of the holiday photos.
Got to work to find out that my training had been cancelled. Not such a bad thing except I was planning on a free lunch so no sandwiches.
Found out that my boss is no longer with us. Bit of a shock but I can see why.
Managed to stay awake till 5.30 and left a bit earlier than I hoped to.
Came home to carry on with the washing as J is in London for a couple of days.
Checked last night and discovered the champagne tasting event we are going to on Saturday is black tie. Decided to get the tux out to make sure it didn't need dry cleaning and that it also fitted after three weeks of eating out. Good news on both accounts.
Might need to go and get a new shirt on Saturday though as the old one is a bit big.
Now just need to find a website to remind me how to tie a bowtie again.

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