Eat, smoke, love, meow.

By Meowsers


This is a dying rose. How Jolly. I liked it, so i took it from the vase, they're dying more now, because there's no water there for them

But I can relate, as I am currently stupidly ill, I am going co be perfectly honest with you, I am ruined, from a brilliant night out, I went out with the blind assumption i would be fine, despite having bronchitis, I was out all night till 6, taking bubble to keep me awake. Through the day i noticed my skin was itchy and crawling, and dry. My mouth was blood red when I looked in the mirror I thought I had lipstick on, but it was lip damage, I have severe ulcers in my mouth, and a horrible rash on my chest.

Side effects of an excellent night.

But no, I'm really not well, I am mute as my voice is gone, and i'm sweaty and disgusting and breathing's a chore.

I am as dead as this rose.

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