With mountains like these

By Sollergirl


I was so delighted to see my colleague today in the staff room. He dropped in to show his face just 10 days after a heart attack and having stents fitted. Modern medicine is amazing and wonderful and please, please that the whole world can benefit from such fantastic technologies.

Ben's football boots are probably the result of much intensive spending and research too. I'm glad they keep his feet healthy, but one does wonder about time wasted on logo design in terms of global output. Similarly, his feet may be mercurial, but so is his temper sometimes. Today as a result of not wanting to practice the recorder infront of me. I found myself shuffling a few km round the track in the Port and realised I was wearing some very old trainers that really should have been thrown out long ago, but I figure I should wear them out a bit more first. That and get to grips with how Ben's ipod works properly to keep me bouncing on to the beat. A delve into powerpoint presentations has also got me wondering about their value. Many years ago I remember watching a colleague, Darren, thrill us all with his IT skills as his presentation whizzed us into the last decade of the 20th Century. I have only just started to use it as a tool properly lately. I am so slow.... being left behind..... I'd better get running up those stairs.

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