Went to tewn to see Miss groggy aka Rosie for lunch. I had a mini bank faff before hand. It was nice to see her face and chat to it... maybe not the perkiest I've ever seen her but great just the same.

I got the bus back and did a small detour with a big bag of stuff, a mum and buggy and a small very loud and demanding boy. She had too much to carry and the little boy was running everywhere. Laine picked me up and we went to Hawkedon, had a chat with the lady, decided it was probs best not to work for them, walked to Brookside to see my mum slash sit down out of the rain - managed to get a lift home from a lady at mum's work.

Made an omelette, baked brownies and spoke to Rog on skype - I had a lovely chat to Brownie B whilst she went to the loo. We bonded.

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