
By CreativeCarol

Child of My Child

Have you ever spent time watching a child sleep? The innocence on their face, the sweet smell of their breath, the sound of their makes you love them more and desire to do all you can to protect and guide them. As I peeked in at Moira this afternoon to check on her while she napped, asleep in her porta-crib, she looked like my daughter and it brought back a flood of memories. I took this photo just as she woke up. She always wakes up in a happy mood just like her mommy did! I loved being a mommy and now being a grandmother is even better.

"Child of My Child"

Child of my child
Heart of my heart.
Your smile bridges
The years between us...
I am young again, discovering
The world through your eyes.
You have the time to listen
and I have the time to spend,
Delighted to gaze at familiar,
Loved features made new in you again.
Through you, I see the future.
Through me, you'll see the past.
In the present, we'll love one another
As long as these moments last.

Author: Unknown

Hope you had a Terrific Tuesday!

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