Over the Horizon

By overthehorizon

The barn

Jim and I finished the second gate today and rigged the fencing up. Everything ready to go. A wholly satisfying experience to complete the job well done. Just as we put on the finishing touches he got a radio call for a fire (he is a volunteer fire fighter) and before I knew it he was waving goodbye and booking down the gravel road in his clunky little work truck. Nails, fencing, and tools all ajingle in the back.

Heading to the barn with the last days work to collect feed for the chickens and collect eggs. Cali the calico barn cat gazing down at me from the railing, the resident mouser. Looking fierce and malevolent but she is tender and sweet in temperament. Big bails of hay in the rafters, straw scattered throughout, stables, sacks of grain and seed, drying garlic and onions hanging askew, and lots of junk piled up everywhere. The archetypical barnyard. Walking into this place your greeted with the most wonderful earthy smell of hay and horses. Sense and memory, nostalgia of farm and rural life, for me at least. Memories flooding back from childhood and a different time. I don't know how to rightly describe but surely you must know that recollection of being on a farm...

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