Folkie Booknerd

By Folkiebooknerd

If it's Tuesday, it must be Portland!

Eagle-eyed blippers will spot that I'm not in Liverpool today! I am, of course, in Portland, Oregon where I've come for 10 days to visit my old chum BeautifulLife and some new friends whom I've met via blipworld - and to soak up the mellow vibe of the place!

I'm hoping BeautifulLife will let me blip her at some point during my visit but today's honour must go to the blip legend that is Kendall! Pictured here this afternoon in Couch Park with her delightful granddaughter, Bella - something of a blip legend in her own right, of course!

What a day it's been! After being awake for 25 hours straight getting here yesterday, via Atlanta, I slept very well last night and woke up full of the joys of spring this morning! The weather has been positively spring-like too and I sported a pair of shorts all afternoon - which was unexpected!

The day began with a walk in Gabriel Park with BeautifulLife and her lovely dog, Prise, followed by a massive brunch. Then it was over to the Pearl District for a stroll around, visits to a few shops, my first sight of the famous Powell's Books (I'll be back!), a delicious vanilla green tea chai with soy milk and then over to Couch Park to meet Kendall and Bella, both of whom were, of course, charm itself!

After a chat in the park, we headed to Escape From New York pizzeria on NW 23rd Ave for a bite to eat and further conversation followed by a visit to a great bike shop where I bought a gift for Spokes (I can say no more here!) who's back in Liverpool and feels very far away (sob!). Then it was time to visit Kendall's lovely apartment where I was thrilled both to meet her cat, Mamasan, and to read a couple of stories to Bella - a Booknerd in the making!

And, as if that weren't quite enough excitement for one day, we rounded our blipmeet off with exotically flavoured ice cream at Salt and Straw (back on NW 23rd Ave) - I had a cocktail of Cinnamon Snickerdoodle and Bushwacker Spiced Cider Sorbet. Yum!

All being well, I'll see Kendall again next week - I'm very much looking forward to it.

And tomorrow..? Another blipmeet is planned. Watch this space!

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