Keith B

By keibr

Internet Librarian - Olympia

I am at the Internet Librarian conference in Olympia, London. The Keynote this morning was by Joe Tree, talking about Blipfoto which he founded.  This was so interesting that I had to give it a go!
How do you choose a photo to represent the day?  I had a very blurred photo of Joe Tree, which seemed suitable but didn't really represent the day. Pictures from the conference were representative but not lovely. But then in the lobby I found a display of posters from the first years of the 1900s that were beautiful and I decided to use one of those. It would remind me where I was on this day and at the same time communicates a part of London's culture. An added bonus is that as a child I sometimes visited exhibitions here so it even resonated  with my past, even if my past wasn't as far back as this (1925) poster!

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