Helm Blues

A wild day today. I think this might become a refrain for my journal, as we have a lot of wild, windy days. We also have what is one of the best examples of a ‘local wind’ – the Helm. I am not about to explain this, as it takes some doing, suffice to say here that it is a fierce (and I mean fierce!) easterly wind that is localised to our little bit of the Pennines. One signs that it is a Helm is a bar of cloud above the Pennine tops – the Helm Bar. It is a very strong wind, although maybe some of the stories told about it lifting cows in the air etc. are a tad exaggerated.

It isn’t a Helm today I’m pretty sure, but I thought it was a good day to bring you the Helm Blues. If you haven’t seen this, then I would give a few minutes to it. You won’t regret it, I promise. It was made locally some time back now. It is in Cumbrian, but don’t worry there are subtitles!!

Helm Blues

The picture reminds me of warmer times. It is the one bought, some time ago now, from the Bonnieux artist, AnneMarie Ruggeri. You will remember the lady with the red hair.

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