Double Shot Mummy


Helping daddy assemble the Ikea cabinet

She loved it inside the unit. The twins woke up from a nap and she thought it was hilarous playing peek-a-boo with them. She seemed to claim it as 'her box'. We haven't had an Ikea trip for at least 6 months, and overall it was a success. Oscar told me he remembers coming here "one nother time!"

Poor Maple still has this dreadful, raspy, croupy sounding cough. It is chesty but she has no fever and is very happy in the day. I had managed to night wean her and get her sleeping in her own cot, but both of those have gone out the window as milk seems the only thing to calm her cough. Back to the doctor again tomorrow just to check.

Edited to add: Maple started running today! She is getting so quick and loving roaming from room to room. She is particularly obsessed with pulling out the dvd's in Stu's office room...

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