Electrical Image

By ElectricalImage


A bit of lateral thinking inspired by events yesterday. I was trying to upload a TV program onto the computer so that it could be edited down to highlights for a showreel. Inevitably, the presence of what appeared to be peanut butter mingled with cat hair on the disk rendered the task somewhat futile and closer inspection confirmed that a temporary incarnation as a frisbee had helpfully left the disk as scarred and frayed as the peanut butter need it to be to stick.

Not a lot of people know that the cure for a scratched DVD is Brasso. Wash away the peanut butter. Apply from centre to edge without scrubbing, and let it dry. Wash the residue off and the cracks and pits will be filled and the disk unless absolutely ruined, will play.

I bought the Brasso and was so taken with it retro design that I decided to photograph it instead.

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