The Phoenix Rises

Well what a day it all started off quiet with a little sunshine to perk up the day and then the day went downhill from there as the weather just got down right awful by the evening and stayed like that all night as if it could not have got any worse there were many train delays and failures around the network along with cancellations and having pissed off passengers venting in my direction sorry guys but I only know what I get told and don't make the decisions and totally sympathise but I can't do nothing about it and it seems a lot of folks were venting today along with little patience oh well Rome wasn't built in a day as they say and tomorrow is another day and thankfully I'm off and nothing to eat for 12 hours as I have my fasting blood tests for my cholesterol and BP tests as well and thankfully the BP tablet I take each day kinda worked for the day but I had my moments as I lost out for the second day in a row in a bidding war on ebay but I did get a refund from Amtrak for our delay and loss of hotel for one night in San Francisco recently so $400.00 dollars thank you very much anyway that was my day and I'm off to Pitlochry tomorrow for a visit at night to the Enchanted Forest sound and light show in Faskally Woods on the outskirts of town anyway now down to my blip that I took early this morning whilst I was still having a good day as these three birds on top of a street light with the sun directly behind the middle seagull almost give it a Phoenix like look as it rises from the Sun so this is my blip for today and movie for the day is " Phoenix Rising 2006" See Ya

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