
By briocarioca

Rain in Rio

Spring rain... but a dreich day, nonetheless. Not much time for blipping today, nor patience for work, but spent the afternoon researching and finalizing details of our forthcoming vacation, much more amusing. Since we're leaving on Saturday, some people might think this could have been done earlier. Others ask if we've packed yet. Well...that's usually a last-minute activity. We expected to have our favourite band leader, Iain MacPhail, staying this week, but he's elsewhere, so at least I can start putting things in what would have been his room - until Friday, that is, when we have an influx of dancers from Petrópolis. Maybe the cases will get packed in good time, for once.
St Andrew committee rushing round preparing for the Caledonian Ceilidh on Friday - who's ordering the drinks - the tables - the flowers - what's the deal with the food (to be provided by the Copacabana Palace - should be good)? Also all a bit last-minute this time, everyone's too busy with work. Ah well, hopefully it will all turn out allright.

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