Our Journey is a process

By journeysprocess

Hee Haw! Hee Haw!

Translation: Happy Birthday to you!

Yes, today is my real birthday! And it was nice to be serenaded, even if by a burro.

I did indulge a little today. I met up with Pat, my massage therapist, and had her work on me for an hour and a half. That always helps. After such relaxation, I decided to go to one of my favorite garden spots and take some photos of bees, birds, flowers, etc. I saw a few sad little flowers, and some birds in the sky, but no bees. I went to another little garden spot - no bees. Where have all the bees gone?

I then decided to visit a local nursery that has some very nice greenery and flowers. They still had lots of flowers for sale, but not one bee! So, I asked the horticulturalist, "Where have all the bees gone? It's too early for hibernation." "Well, it's because of all the bear coming down from the hills. They are attacking all the bee hives. So the hive owners have packed up the hives and taken them out east." So much for bee photos for this year!

As I drove home, I stopped by a friend's house. My friend wasn't home, but his burros and goats were there. They were very happy to see me (I had some carrots from when I stopped at the grocery store). This is a photo of Chico as he greeted me.

After that I went home, made my famous fish tacos for myself, opened a bottle of my favorite Cabernet Sauvignon, and enjoyed the quiet evening in front of the fireplace.

Not a bad way to spend a birthday.

I hope that you all had a great day!

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