Bits and Bobs!

By Kate64

100 % Végétal!


Well my last full day in France has happened to coincide with my 100th blipday!

I could have posted a shot of the wonderful medieval walled city of Carcassonne, where I spent the day, wandering the narrow streets, browsing the shops and having lunch in the warm sun, with a chilled glass of rosé wine...

But instead I'm going to give you a photo of soap!!

I'd explained to MH that it was my 100th blip and that I wanted to try and find some connection with the number 100 so we spent the day scouring Carcassonne for such a connection. All of a sudden she dragged me into this soap shop and insisted I took this photo! In the end it turned out to be the only 100 we found.

So here it is, my 100th blip! Soap!! I just wish you could smell the photo as well as see it, the shop was just full of so many wonderful fragrances. After having taken the photo, I felt obliged to buy some soap (that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it!) and so I came away with six different bars, a rather expensive blip!!

If you'd like to see photos of the walled city of Carcassonne, rather than soap, then look here.

à bientôt!

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