SHOKESU - "Showcase"

Yesterday a RYOTEI in Kyoto organised lunch for a group of tourist that was interested to meet a MAIKO... well a Geisha...

The RYOTEI contact one of the HANAMACHI'S OKIYA to invite the MAIKO in the picture to dance and take questions for the people that were interested to learn about the Hanamachi's culture and traditions.

The OKASAN was very kind to invite to the event to take some picture of her MAIKO. Unfortunately the RYOTEI choose a bay-window as a place for the MAIKO to dance. (The Maiko was on the shade side.)
That was when I decided to go out in the RYOTEI'S garden and take pictures form outside. When the "cleaver" MAIKO saw me outside in the garden, form time to time, she will turn during her dance and pose facing out for me to take some pictures. (Of course her and the Okasan will be waiting copies of the photographs.)

*HANAMACHI: Japanese GEISHA district. The word's literal meaning is "flower street".
* OKIYA: The lodging house in which a MAIKO or GEIKO lives.
*OKASAN: (Japanese word for Mother.) She's the owner or proprietress of an OKIYA. MAIKO and GEIKO always call and refer to her as OKASAN (mother) out of respect.

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