
By Angelique


Another very busy day. Straight after work I rushed home to collect Phoebe and then drive another 24 miles to Stathe near Burrowbridge to my stained glass course. Phoebe was very good and sat in her bed (from the car) for nearly 2 hours.

The picture I am creating is for Adrian's Christmas present. It is far more complicated than I appreciated but I'm making progress.

The above is a capture on the journey home. It is called the Burrow Mump in Burrowbridge. This is what good old Wiki says:

Archeological surveys have shown some Roman material and three medieval pits. It is likely that it was a Norman motte with a terraced track which spirals around the hill to reach it.[6] It probably served as a natural outwork to the defended royal island of Athelney at the end of the 9th century.[7]

Excavations have shown evidence of a 12th-century masonry building on the top of the hill. The first recorded writing mentioning this site is from William Worcester in about 1480 when he referred to it as Myghell-borough. A medieval church dedicated to St Michael, belonging to the Athelney Abbey,[8] dates from at least the mid 15th century. This formed a sanctuary for royalist troops in 1642 and 1645 during the English Civil War, and a detachment of the king's army occupied it in 1685 during the course of the Monmouth Rebellion

In 1793, the church was rebuilt with a west tower, 3-bay nave and south porch, in squared and coursed lias with red brick and Ham stone dressings. The attempt at total rebuilding ended in failure to collect enough money, despite donations from Pitt the Younger and Admiral Hood,[6] and a church for the community was built instead at the foot of the hill (Burrowbridge) in 1838.[1] The ruined church is one of the churches dedicated to St. Michael that falls on a ley line proposed by John Michell. Other connected St. Michaels on the ley line include churches built at Othery and Glastonbury Tor.[10]

The hill and ruined roofless nave with the remains of the porch, some window openings without tracery were presented, in 1946, by Major Alexander Gould Barrett, to the National Trust and serve as a memorial to the 11,281[11] Somerset men who lost their lives during the first and second world wars.[12] The ruin was classified as a Grade II listed building in 1963.

So there you have it for all those who like history.

Didn't get home till after 18.00 so it was a bit of a rush to get our evening meal cooked, so we ate late.

Rang Adrian's home and the news wasn't good. He would not allow his blood to be taken. Not surprising really, probably remembering when it was taken before and not enjoying the experience. And when Adrian says NO - he means it!!

So at 22.46 I now have to pack as we're going away for the weekend. On route we have a meeting with so called professionals on Adrians drug regime. Not looking forward to that as the last time I met this particular Educational Psychologist, I felt she was completly out of her depth. So we will see. One thing for sure, it has taken 8 months to get even an interview!!! Shameful - you and I would not be treated this way!!

Thank you for hanging on in there - reading all the history stuff and listening to my rantings.

Stay in love with life and if today was crap, I mean lousy, tomorrow is another day. Have another go at it but dont make the same mistakes again!!! When dealing with someone you love, tell them how important they are in your life. You might not get a second chance:)))

With love to you all - x.

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