
By WhiskyFoxtrot

Three Hundred

Well here we are, 300 blips later. Whodathunkit? Certainly not me. I've had a couple of false starts but something took hold in the New Year and I've been pretty steady. That must have been when the addiction kicked in. This unique community started to appear out of the darkness of those early months of the year. Like so many others have said before, this is the longest journal I've ever kept.

Thank you for putting up with me, for making me feel welcome and for engaging in the banter. I've enjoyed every day on blip this year and it's brought me so much - different perspectives from near and far, an appreciation of the incredibly talented photographers and writers here and a feeling of belonging.

I'm grateful to Joe for setting this all up and for blip central for keeping it going.
I'm grateful for meeting all of you. Thank you.
I'm grateful for the kindness this place brings every day.

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