It's a baldy bald life!

By DrK


Last night I clicked on a Facebook link to and saw a pretty repulsive video presented by Paul McCartney on the meat and poultry industry. It was the type of thing that is designed to tug at the hearts of teenagers, showing extreme animal cruelty and trying to convince people not to eat meat.

Then this morning there was a bit on Radio 4 about prominent veggie Morrisey's new autobiography. During the day I was asked twice why I was a veggie myself. It still surprises me that it seems freakish to many people that others choose not to eat animal. I must admit I'm not like Morrisey thinking "Meat is Murder". The death of a chicken doesn't really pull at my heart strings. I understand that fish and crustaceans are generally very tasty but don't understand why others think they are vegetables. Being a veggie doesn't define me in any way. I just choose not to eat animal.

There's two reasons why. Firstly, I don't think it's possible to 'produce' meat in a way that is both ethical and affordable. A chicken that costs £5 or so cannot have had a nice life. I'd guess it would be closer to £25 to grow a happy chook. Secondly, meat production on any mass scale is not environmentally friendly or efficient. Methane from cows is a serious environmental problem and for every kilojoule it takes from birth to slaughter of an animal, far less energy is derived from eating the thing. I gotta say that if I saw a big juicy lobster in a rock pool I'd struggle not to think about capturing it for the pot but I have self-control.

If you've got this far and have just eaten a pork chop, I don't want you to feel bad about it. Just the next time you choose to buy one, have a wee think about the farmer and if he's been paid fairly, think of the piggie and if he's had an ok existence and think about if the person who has sold it to you cares about product or simply profit.

It was a busy day! Don't you love technology though! The day ended with a positive meeting with people in Boulder CO.

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