Max in the morning

After yesterday's seven portraits, I only had two organised for today. The first was with Max, who had told me that he was going away and the only time available would be at 8-30am this morning at Stroud train station. Being a dutiful sort of person I agreed and even managed to get their on time.

Max was already sipping coffee and reading his paper in the Imperial Hotel, the rather lovely old hostelry in the square opposite to the Brunel designed station buildings. We meet every so often at various events and with each of us wearing a variety of hats at different times, so today Max was surprised to find me with a camera. We spent a few minutes catching up on our recent history before venturing outside to try and find the portrait I needed.

We ended up on the platform where there was some vegetation I could use as background and I quickly got a few shots in. I tried to get a variety of poses for the designer to choose when he lays out all the pictures on the pages with the brief biographies that need adding. I will offer him five pictures of each subject. I am now nearly halfway there! After leaving Max to head off to Paddington and then on to Canterbury, I went on to meet Claire and take pictures of her. That turned out to be very interesting, as when we had finished and I was finding out details for her biography, she was able to advise me about some other important issues that I need to consider, which was an added bonus.

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