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By NessD

Don't panic

Not me this time thankfully, although 2 years ago it was a different story. I only realised while resting this afternoon that 2 years ago today I was having my second hip operation. And that time I did arrive in the hospital in a proper ambulance.

Today though I was only waiting for my chauffeur after a cortisone injection as I was told not to drive afterwards. Not a totally unpleasant experience. Somehow my natural curiosity to watch the process (it was ultrasound guided and I'm a geek) overrode my slight needle phobia. Well I'm not phobic as such, I've just been known to faint. That's probably why they insist on you not driving afterwards.

I won't deny that it did hurt a fair bit as they were doing it, at least until the anaesthetic set in but then bliss. And then 3 hours later, BOOM! - cortisone flare. I was expecting it might happen. I've been told many times by patients that they feel like they've been kicked by a horse. It felt like there was a heard of elephants dancing on my foot. Ice packs and ibuprofen to the rescue and I've spent a pleasant afternoon filling in the holes in blip. Lots of weekends that seemed to include a fair bit of alcohol for one who "doesn't really drink much anymore" and shamefully the 10 September which I promised SooB weeks ago.

The throbbing has not settled to a dull throb if I elevate or distract myself but putting my foot on the floor is excrutiating. I had to resort to crawling earlier until K brought me my crutches. I'm not sure what I'd have done if I didn't just happen to have a random pair still in the house. Carry on crawling, I guess.

Oh well, it's settling, the pain relief early on was delicious and promising and I am finally all caught up on blip. Woohoo!


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