Dublin Shooter

By dublinshooter


A miserable, wet, windy day, but still I met carl in George's Street Market for lunch and to suss out costumes for a Halloween party we've been invited to on the 25th. There's a costume stall right beside our lunch place, and we got a few laughs out of what was on offer there. Carl got his outfit there after very little cogitation, but I decided to look elsewhere also before making a decision. I'd passed a place in Temple Bar on the way to meet Carl and went back there - and left with a costume under my arm. I won't reveal what we're going as until after the party, when I'm sure there'll be something that's blip-worthy.

I made my way back to catch my bus, and passed the Palace Bar on the way. Fortunately I looked down, and saw a group of memorial plaques set into the pavement. I blipped each one, and here they are put together as a group. The Palace Bar was a well-known haunt of literary types and journalists. Con Houlihan is the journalist among these (sports writer, actually), though Flann O'Brien (also known as Myles na gCopaleen, under which nom de plume he wrote an Irish Times column for many years) is more famous as a writer of whacky novels.

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