jeni and the beans

By themessymama

Dunham's Log Pile

Took the boys out for a picnic at Dunham today. And arranged to meet Gran and Grandad while we were there! We took the mondeo and had a picnic in the boot (the boys are still excited by a picnic in the boot) under the oak trees, listening to the *thunk* of acorns as they fell like bombs all around us.

Then Gran and Grandad arrived and we made our way to the entrance. As they started steering us towards the house and gardens I spied the sign saying "The Log Pile" and convinced them to go thataway - and we were so glad we investigated! I'd been told about the new play area and wanted to find it and here it was. It's beautiful. It makes my soul happy just standing there. It looks like it's been built up around a fallen tree, which is still half rooted and growing. The kids (and grownups!) are allowed to climb all over this tree, and there's a swing been attached, there's stumps all over to jump from and to, to climb and clamber up. To hide in the trees, to wade through the undergrowth, to build dens and discover treasures. Fungi everywhere to discover. And the most beautiful wood carvings too. Bean and Bear LOVED it and so did I :)

A quick icecream after that, and then home - what a lovely day.

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