
By OzGeoff

Historic Railway Bridge

I thought I would blip this one for those folk who are interested in bridges and/or railways. This is a section of the old Whipple Truss bridges used to cross Long Cove Creek (becomes Hawthorn Canal), just west of Lewisham Station.

According to local historian, Chrys Meader, "The Whipple truss technique of iron bridge building was pioneered in the United States in 1852. In the 1880s considerable controversy was sparked in Australia between those who favoured the newer North American technology and those who believed in proven British methods. The Lewisham Whipple truss bridge was added to over the decades. It was eventually replaced in 1993 because of metal fatigue. The bridge's pin-jointed construction made repair and replacement virtually impossible. Two of its six trusses remain on display at the site."

The original bridge was built in 1855 but was replaced with this Whipple truss in 1885-6. John Whitton was the engineer-in-chief on the project.

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