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By LovePopcorn

"White as Snow"

Actually, Nevada means covered with snow, but he is squeaky clean, fresh from the getting washed.
Right after watercolour class we took both dogs to the South Bark Dog Wash. Lily got a regular shampoo/conditioner bath from Mr. LovePopcorn.  Nevada had the "I got Skunked" shampoo/conditioner bath. (Cost more - of course!)
It was quite a workout for me to wash him with the anti-skunk shampoo.  This shampoo concentrate gets poured on dry, worked into the fur, then you add a diluted version of it to lather it all up.  Scrub, Scrub, Scrub!
Rinse well.
Second shampooing with the deodorizing shampoo - Blueberry and Clove scented. First the concentrate mixed into the fur, then the dilute, lather!  Scrub, Scrub, Scrub!
Rinse well.
Pour on the dilute conditioner. Scrub, Scrub, Scrub!
Rinse well.
Rub dog dry with towel.  Rub dog dry with towel.  Rub dog dry with towel.  Repeat until your arms are too tired to rub dog.
Put collar, harness and leash on dog.  
Get in car, go home.
Collapse on couch to rest.  Damp dog nudges you with nose and sad face. (Please take me for a walk around the park while it is still sunny and warm.)
Walk dog.
Time for dinner.
Feed dog.
Feed self.
Where has the day gone?

people: Mary, Anna, Betty, Sunny, Judy, Carole, Nick, Alice, Dana, Jaia
places: College, South Park, City Heights
particulars: found knit hat pattern

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