Littlemouse Adventures

By LitlemouseLilly


So went to the Robin Hood country show at Newark today without Ferd or Mr Mouse.

Mr Mouse was poorly and I thought that being out all day would also be a bit much for Ferd as he has only just got over the bordetella.

I did have my Dad with me.

It was more dog show than I thought. Really enjoyed it, I think Ferd would have loved it. However I wasn't impressed with the dock dogs attraction fab if your dog loves water and not afraid to jump from heights, but I saw far too many owners trying to push the issue and the people running it were obviously not dog handlers I saw a couple of dogs in the pool obviously not happy and wanted out but obviously scared dog just swam to the edge where it could see a reassuring owner because they show people did not want the dogs climbing out (which wouldn't really have damaged the sides of the pool) they were dragging scared dogs back to try and direct them to a ramp with a stranger why on earth they didn't allow an owner on the ramp I have no idea and also peeved that owners even let their dog in when I could see their dogs were obviously worried and didn't want to do it. There was even one dog displaying complete submissive I don't want to do this crouching low, ears back backing away, hiding behind owner and yet they were still trying to get the dog to the edge, watching made me really upset and angry.

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