
By ChezRobz


Oli took Noah on the park run this morning for a swift 5K with the running pram, this meant I got to have a snooze, hooray! Nothing better than having Noah wake, come into bed with us for milk and some cuddles, then the boys going out and coming back freezing and joining me in bed again! Brill.

We went out as soon as I was up with the intention on popping into a local sale for a Cancer fundraiser, then popping out to Whitchurch canals for a muddy walk but a hungry tired meltdown put end to that (Noah this time, not his daddy). Instead we drove to the retail park and I sat in the car with a sleepy baby while Oli went out to get himself new shoes. When Noah woke we treated ourselves to lunch out and then headed out to get some new shoes for the minion. He's grown, again. Expensive little thing!

We came home, did some DIY, scarred the boy for life by doing some drilling (he is NOT a fan of loud noise) so I wrapped him on my back and swayed/sang while we hoovered and sorted things out. 5 mins of terror passed and all the pretty things that have been waiting to be put on the wall have gone up, office is looking marvellous.

Afterwards we headed out to the garden with the teeny tiny football and had some fun, but we couldn't go back inside without having a nosey over the fence. Dunno why he loves it so much but he demands to be lifted to peek. It's all well and good when his 6ft 5 daddy is around but being 5ft 2 is a tad rubbish for fence peeking so I have to hold him up above my head!

We were chuckling because he was squealing with delight when a car pulled to the junction opposite the fence and waved at him then flashed the headlights, he was waving and pointing like crazy. We have lovely neighbours.

So relieved to have done so much today, his bedroom was also sorted out so now it looks all shiny and new. I also changed the lamp in here and so he cam out of the bath and wondered at the colour changing urchin lamp, his daddy bought me that for the first birthday I had as his girlfriend ;)

Edited - Forgot to mention, new word today - teddy!!

We also caught the end of Star Wars and yoda came on tv, Noah looked at me, pointed at the TV and shouted "CAT!!! Aaaaaaawww" and smiled the biggest grin ever. Amazing baby, amazing.

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