Brownlee brothers .....

..... body language.

This evening I've been to the Brownlee brothers talk at the Ilkley literature festival with Yearofhappy ( R ). R is just a little obsessed with one of the brothers and made sure we were at the Kings hall nice and early meaning we were first in the queue to the hall ( we did offer to let a young lad and his dad behind us to go to the front of the queue ) and R and I got the front row centre seats with R sat 2 foot away from the Brownlee's granddad across the aisle.

It was an interesting talk, not so much for what Jonny and Alistair said but how they said it. Jonny was mirroring a lot of Alistair's body language ( blip ) and tellingly when they were asked if they considered each other as part of a team or competitors, Alistair said ' at a certain point in the race we become competitors ', whereas Jonny said ' I think of us more as a team '. Being the younger brother by two years it seems like Jonny got used to Alistair being bigger and beating him in races as a junior competitor and almost expects Alistair should beat him in races now.

After the talk myself and R met up with DrMackem who had also been at the talk and the three of us queued up so that R could get her race number for tomorrow's Yorkshire marathon signed by Jonny and Alistair ( blipped by R ). Once the security guards had detached R from Jonny, Myself, R and the Dr had a quick look at an interesting art/poetry installation in town ( blipped my Muddyshoes ) before heading off to a local pub for a swift drink.

I've added a couple more from tonight here, but today's blip is the .....

..... Brownlee brothers body language.

Have a good run tomorrow R.

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