
By MaryannA

Lila's Spiderweb!

I had just said goodby to a friend who stopped by for a quick visit. (She can just stop by now because we are much closer since my move). While I was outside, I was searching for a blip, and my neighbor pulled up and saw me with the camera. I had told her about blip already so she wouldn't think I was the new weird lady in the neighborhood always taking pictures. She was with her young daughter and allowed me to blip her lovely facepainted spiderweb! She was very accom0dating as she patiently posed for me. They told me they will be trick or treating in the neighborhood for Halloween. I haven't had kids at the door in almost 20 years. This neighborhood has kids and safe sidewalks. I can't buy the candy until we get closer to the day. (I have low resistance to sweets!) No doubt, children in costumes will be my blip for that day.

It was a nice cool and breezy day today. The leaves are dropping at a quick pace. Starting to see the bare branches toward the tops of the trees. The birds will lose their camouflage soon.

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