Mother-in-laws 75th Birthday party

A great day none the less!. Angie's Mum's 75th Birthday. From far and wide, well Ingolstadt, Munich, Olching and Landsberg/Lech, family with girl & boyfriends in tow, met up at the Katzbrui Hotel & Restaurant at midday for lunch. Angie and I were there on my birthday recently.

Another wonderful October day as it was last year on her birthday. We ate inside with the sun streaming through the small windows, and then, except for those claiming to have the wrong shoes but somehow able to sit out in the beer garden for an another beer, ice cream or cheese plate, followed by a walk. Then drove back to our place for coffee and cake, sitting outside, enjoying the last of the day's warming sun.

As the sun went behind the trees and the wonderfully dressed young ladies began to feel the cool autumn air, we quickly took the group photo before the party slowly drifted home but Angie's eldest sister Brigitte and her two daughters stayed on a bit to catch up on things as they hadn't seen each other for some time. Had a small fun impromptu bruschetta snack (we didn't have anything except a ciabatta loaf & loads of tomatoes) before they also headed back as the girls wanted to go to a well known "Barn Festival" or literally "Threshing Floor Festival" in Hurlach near Landsberg.

Paula phoned in the evening to say they had got home safely and to thank us for hosting the coffee & cake section. Thanks are due to her however. She mentioned and I have to agree wholeheartedly, that it is always so nice that the young one's join in on such a day and are such fun to have around. A day with happy memories for all us oldies.

I tried Bliping a collage of about 40 photos but somehow the system didn't play along so have posted some impressions on Flickr for the family.

Finally on a personal note - Gerhard (brother-in-law) tried very hard many weeks ago to get me a bottle of Pimms scouring all sorts of supermarkets & drink stores, all without success. Today he came armed with two bottles and a wonderful birthday card claiming them to be a belated birthday present from the Blattner Family. Thank you Sigi, Toby, Stefan and Gerhard!

Now I can get out of my Lederhosen at last. Luckily have no photos of this!

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