
By BethAndCo

At Daddy's hockey

The teething powders are like a magic potion. Eva is still waking up, but hardly, and when she does wake up it's not for long, and she's easier to settle back down, so obviously not in as much pain. I'd reserved 2 boxes of powders from our local chemist, as they are difficult to get hold of, and went to fetch them today, so I feel relieved that I now have a supply of them now that I've discovered them.

After Eva's sleep today, I wrapped her up in her cute little hat and gloves set off my cousin, Eleanor, and took her to see Daddy play hockey (you can see the back of him waiting to go on in today's pic). We got there during the second half, so wasn't there the whole time, but I thought it would be nice to turn up and support Mike with his babba girl.

Mike had his usual bath when he got back, then at the end, added cold water, and I took Eva up to get in with him. She loved it and the water was so deep! Her second bath with Daddy and I still haven't had 1 bath with her, so I will have to do that very soon. Xxx

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