
By Mover

Wembury, near Plymouth, late afternoon today. We did a circular 13 mile walk from here today. In the morning the weather suddenly deteriorated, just when we were on an exposed part of the coast path. A sailing boat drifted on to the rocks nearer to Plymouth and the lifeboat was in attendance. The afternoon was sunny with an exhilarating wind. Afterwards we had tea in the Mill Café at Wembury.

A distinctive feature visible from Wembury Beach is the Mewstone.

The Mewstone is a triangular island which is currently uninhabited. However, it has served as a prison and a private home, as well as a refuge for local smugglers. Its most infamous resident was Sam Wakeman who avoided transportation to Australia in favour of the cheaper option of transportation to the Mewstone, where he was interned for 7 years.
The island was painted several times by J M W Turner after sketching it during a sailing trip from Plymouth in 1813. "The Mewstone", painted between 1823 and 1826, was left to the nation by the Turner Bequest and is in the collection of Tate Britain. The Mewstone and Little Mewstone is now a bird sanctuary and access is not permitted to visitors.

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