Looking in...

I was tidying the kitchen this morning after denying the kids DS and computer time. There was a wee formulation of a idea in my head around their tolerance for the rejection I'd dealt earlier. I think it was one ask, one plead and one whine, but after that, they pottered off and started playing together upstairs. I figured it's a card I could quite easily keep for later on. I'm not adverse to them playing their computery things, but I know, possibly better than them, that they can use the time more solidly elsewhere.

Whilst I was mopping away, they were playing Red Dwarf upstairs with someone being a Hologram and trying to work out how they were to sit on a bed when they were composed of light. It made the mopping an easier job chuckling away to myself.


Notes on the Picture...
This is the culmination of the two week October holiday project. A 3D cafe that supposedly has something to do with Georges Marvellous Medicine (which doesn't have a cafe in it). I made a counter and kitchen top for her but aside from the cutting, it's all her own work.

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