
By TheGreenHouse

Conor's Christening

We didn't manage to take very many pictures today but this one (although too bright) is my favourite with the way Ryan is looking at Orla, he truly loves his big cousin.

It has been quite an eventful 24 hrs, started with us getting the keys for the chapel hall to put the buffet in, but instead of the hall keys the priest gave us his house keys so a speedy trip down to get Fr Joe out of the pouring rain. Then Ryan headbutted me at bedtime and burst my lip. Luckily this morning I was organised and had myself ready early to go to the hall and finish preparing the buffet when I got a call from my dad, the hall had been broken into and the bar trashed (they didn't touch my cupcakes, but did steal my tesco bag for life). The next couple of hours was spent cleaning up the mess before a quick trip home to get changed. The christening itself was beautiful, it was a very intimate ceremony and Conor was beautiful in his gown. The party went well although I ended up not very well and had to come home early. Ryan was a star all day and has gone to bed on time which is surprising after the amount of rubbish he ate. An early night all round I think.

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