Here there and everywhere

By digitaldaze

Cairo bling

That' s day 1 done and dusted. We have a group of 10 trainees, different nationalities, backgrounds and ranges of teaching experience and they all seem nice, 9 female and just the one guy. Tonight Bb and I went for an Indian, which has become a bit of a ritual when we're here. We then risked life and limb to cross the street outside the restaurant, which was 4 lanes of fast traffic twice! For anyone who's been here, you'll know what that involves! Once this blip's on, bed calls. Six of the trainees each teach a 40 min class tomorrow and so we need to be in early as there's usually a lot of nerves on the first few days. This shop display was one from a row of shoe shops across the eight lanes of traffic. I wasn't tempted. I couldn't walk in these!

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