Carpe diem

By EveryDayMatters



"The potato is a starchy, tuberous crop from the perennial Solanum tuberosum of the Nightshade family. The word may refer to the plant itself as well as the edible tuber. Wikipedia"

This is another random blip. There is not a lot you can say about potatoes: except mash, roast, boiled, chipped, dauphinoise, crisps...etc...etc. They are very versatile and extremely nutritious. This big bag should go a long way.

As you can see, there is not a lot to report today. The potatoes were probably the highlight! Still, they were more riveting than watching Downton Abbey.

Q. Which is the more miserable TV programme, Downton, or Eastenders?
A. Both about equal really, in their own rather polarised ways.

The most exciting part of the weekend was the visit to the Barbour factory in Jarrow. It was amazing to see all the Potato Farmers buying their country gear - classy ! The cheapest (main range) jacket was around £300 !! So, where there is dirt, there is money, so they say :) I was just getting mine reproofed - but glad I bought it about 20 years ago when they were not so popular.

Potatoes, Farmers, Countryside, Barbours - See there was a link, but I really had to work at it :)

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