Everyone likes birds

Everyone likes birds. What wild creature is more accessible to our eyes and ears, as close to us and everyone in the world, as universal as a bird?
David Attenborough


The bird feeder is out and some have already found it. It's just outside my desk, so now I get nothing done because I'm constantly looking at them and taking pictures. I think this winter my blips will be a lot about the bird feeder and situations around them.

Again I have so many wonderful "emotions" with the birds and I can only choose one to blip. This is not the one that made me laugh, but I like this the best as it's got the most "communication" (in my mind that it).

In Finland it gets so cold that we don't have many birds around the year that will visit a feeder. This is "Talitiainen" in Finnish. Someone please tell me the name in English for the future blips.

Have a great start of the week!

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