Tech Marketing Guy

By tmg


It is amazing how the weather has changed. The temperatures have dropped by about 15 degrees at night. We all of a sudden went from hot days and warm nights to warm days and cold nights. This seemed to happen within the space of a day or two and it makes me think that we might want to consider turning on the heat! Unbelievable and it is a reminder that fall is almost upon us.

We also have another major milestone tomorrow with pre-school starting for the little TMGs. It is a major adjustment for us and them. I hope they enjoy it and do not struggle with the transition.

Finally, I took this shot today in the woods. I had taken numerous shots and on the way back to the car, I saw these leaves. I was taken by their natural red color and their tired look. It is yet another reflection of the end of summer.

The composition is straightforward and the only question was aperture. I shot with various combinations and ended up with F4 (I was using the my 100mm 2.8 macro lens). I like how the larger aperture more effectively blurred the background and still maintained enough DoF to keep the leaf on the right in reasonable focus.

Finally, I am not sure if anyone else noticed, but Canon announced a new camera today, the 7D. It looks to be a very impressive camera and I will be adding it to my future wishlist. Here is a link to my forum post on the topic.

Post Processing:
Increase contrast and saturation, decrease highlights in Canon DPP

Constructive criticism always welcome

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