To keep or not to keep?

Another busy day - weekends are just flying by at the moment!

Spent most of the day boxing stuff up at my dad's and going through old paperwork. Been a bit emotional at times - can't believe that in another couple of weeks the bungalow will belong to somebody else.

This picture is in dispute. My mum and dad had it up in the old house where I grew up but it didn't really go in the bungalow. I love it so I asked them not to get rid of it, and it has been propped up in a cupboard for 12 years!

I still love it and don't want to part with it. My hubby really doesn't like it and wants me to put it in the charity pile!! It got moved from one to the other a couple of times and is now between the charity and keep piles!!

It won't go in our house at the moment but when I finally get my mansion (oh a pig just flew past the window!) it might!!

Just holds so many memories and I used to be fascinated by all the colours and shapes in it! Decisions, decisions!

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