family of 4 x

By CarrieMills

A woodland scene

A horrible rainy day today. A nice chilled morning then we finally made it out the house by mid day.

We went to a local garden centre to get a new fish for the tank as Eric looks rather lonely in there. They have already got the Christmas display on, well when I say display I mean full on over the top area it's fantastic! We went last year so Erin could pick a decoration to put on the tree and Caleb was asleep and guess what he was asleep again this time. But we will go back to let them pick a decoration each closer to Christmas.

We went into the fish part and Erin picked the one she wanted then she found the world's biggest fish. She came running round the corner shouting mummy come and see this its amazing! Omg it was the biggest cat fish in a tank! It could hardly turn but it had a sign sayin it was just a resting tank. It must of been the same length as Caleb :)

Back home for a play in the garden, wellies and coats on. A bit different weather now to what we had a week and a bit ago!

Lovely roast for tea then bath and bed for the babies.

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