
By Schubert

Pulpit -King Charles the Martyr, Tunbridge Wells.


A fellow Blipper Z1 recommended a book of Walker Evans work (First & Last) and inspired by that today, I decided to try a church interior photograph.

When it was built, in 1676, the church was the first substantial building constructed in Tunbridge Wells. It had no resident vicar until 1709 so relied on visiting clergymen to conduct services.

As Tunbridge Wells expanded, so did the church with it eventually becoming a parish church in 1889.

Finally, I'm reminded of the following lines from "Diary of a Church Mouse" by John Betjamin (highly recommended!).

Christmas and Easter may be feasts
For congregations and for priests,
And so may Whitsun. All the same,
They do not fill my meagre frame.
For me the only feast at all
Is Autumn's Harvest Festival,
When I can satisfy my want
With ears of corn around the font.
I climb the eagle's brazen head
To burrow through a loaf of bread.
I scramble up the pulpit stair
And gnaw the marrows hanging there.
It is enjoyable to taste
These items ere they go to waste,
But how annoying when one finds
That other mice with pagan minds
Come into church my food to share
Who have no proper business there.........

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