BCAM - Pink Challenge Day 22

Okay, I'm ready now! Although VERY nervous! My Hindu physiotherapist friend told me to 'have faith' and I was astounded. Of course I have faith, but I still can't help feeling nervous!!!

Been somewhat calm today as I finished off preparing Jon's room and doing odd jobs that needed to be done. Made a trip down to the supermarket to make sure there were supplies for the boys and our guest Eileen. I spotted this recipe book while I was there, thankfully it was pink!! I have several Women's Weekly recipe books, find them quite easy to follow, nothing to do with the fact that their Aussie ;-)

So here'swhat's happening to me tomorrow, minus the fusion ... if you dare to watch ... around 2:33 onwards is more detail.

I shall see you on the other side of surgery ... In the meantime, pls click here to help donate a free mammogram to someone who really needs it. Thanks so much.

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