Eyelashes and Tea

So this is the beautiful Kat, or Katherine. I knew she was going to crop up at some point on my Blip; we spend so much time together! Practically next-door neighbours in our second year, and a fellow year-abroader (although not in the same kind of way as I was), and also a fellow Shakespeare student we do have a lot of hours together! Did I mention she is also into photography? So, Kat spent her year abroad in Berlin, although she went not really knowing much German. How I hear you say? Well, the English department at Warwick allows straight honours degree students to take a study year out at another, linked, university. And so Kat chose Germany…nothing like a sense of adventure hey? Similarly to me, we are both experiencing the year abroad blues, and both of us want to return “home” as soon as we can. It really is great to be able to chat with all the people who have had similar experiences to me, especially since the majority of them all feel the same way about the places they went to. Makes you think just how much a year abroad somewhere else means to you.

Apart from the various lectures of the day, and the wonderful cup of tea provided for me (in a cupcake teapot no less!), today has been a remarkably average day. At some point soon I might even be able to catch up with work but I doubt it.

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