Waiting For Blipbear and Kiwi

Monty Moose got word today that Blipbear and Kiwi are on their way from New Jersey with an ETA of Thursday. Monty, as you can see, is an impatient fellow and has decided to camp out by the mailbox. I convinced him to come in the house -- actually, I insisted he come in the house.

For blippers who don't know about Blipbear and Kiwi, check here.

They've been spending time with Life's Little Moments here, enjoying the Bistro and the birds. Monty and I are anxious to hear about their travels, and we're going to try to set up a blip meet with local blippers. So, any Pacific Northwesterners who want to meet Blipbear and Kiwi, and each other, let us know.

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